Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

3 Subjects

Golden Rule Response

Golden Rule Response

Q [Refer to Writing RESPONSES at top of Canvas course for guidelines] In one brief paragraph no more than 3 complex sentences. Which expression of the Golden Rule in the Thirteen Sacred texts speaks most strongly to you? Why? Don't write out the question rather reword to Include the statement in your answer. Share your opinion in the third person . Back up your observations and opinions with specific details. Avoid statements that are too general and the use of "I".

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The expression "In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you" is often considered one of the core principles of Christianity and is a succinct expression of the Christian gives us a standard for people to see the implication that humans are inherently self-loving. If without the compassion within, we will use human inadequacy as a place, to begin with how to treat others. Moreover, people always demand love and gratitude, whether they earn it or not. Jesus understood this ambition and used it to develop godly behavior. Do you want to be respected? Please respect others. Do you desire a kind word? Speak kind words to others.